Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



Happy Baby:)


Fussy Time






Feeding time!


Shhh Grady's sleeping

Get ready for more videos!

So, I finally figured out how to upload videos quickly and post them on this blog. Since we have gotten our video camera, we have taken many, many little videos of Grady and I will be posting all of them for you to see! You will probably see many of the videos end abruptly with spit up! The recording stops because I have to do a little wipe up! Hopefully as Grady grows out of this spit up stage, this won't happen! least he is a happy spitter!


Grady...the first moments


Grady...the first moments

Grady...The First Moments

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Catch Up

Because we are starting this blog a little late, I decided to catch everyone up on the details. Grady is now 4 months old! He was born January 2, 2010 at 5:04pm and weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and according to one of the nurses in the OR "he is all boy!" It is really hard to believe that it's been 4 months! He's current activities are: smiling/giggling, cooing/talking, rolling over both ways, eating cereal, sleeping through the night, putting everything in his mouth and just being our perfect little boy! He is also very curious and always loves to be standing and looking around at his new world. If he's upset, all we have to do is take him outside on the porch and he suddenly stops crying and starts looking all around. He loves to eat and is getting the cutest little rolls on his thighs! He also loves the over stimulation device (exersaucer). He still looks mostly like his daddy, but he has blonde hair and blue eyes from his mommy! We never knew you could love someone so much!!!
Welcome to our blog! Now that we have little Grady, we need to have a place to share what he's up to with friends and family! (also Mia told me she would buy Grady some summer clothes if I created one:) haha) Hope everyone will enjoy our Blog!